Yang Rui – inte bara rasist, även judehatare

24 maj, 2012

I veckan har jag skrivit ett par artiklar om Yang Rui, tv-profil på Kinas statliga engelska nyhetskanal.

Genom en rad rasistiska uttalanden har han på sistone bidragit till att piska upp negativa stämningar mot utlänningar som kollektiv grupp i Kina.

Det visar sig nu att tv-profilen inte bara är rasist, utan även hyser agg mot judar.

Shanghaiist publicerar i dag en rad uttalanden som Yang Rui gjort på sin mikroblogg det senaste året:

The media and the republic go up and down together. The US has done this to the extreme, but Wall Street’s greed was not exposed because Jews control both the financial and media worlds. Why do the US media not dare to support the call for the establishment of a Palestinian state? It’s because they’re afraid of getting fired by their Jewish bosses. When I interviewed the chairman of the US Jewish Association, I questioned him on this. He snarled at me ferociously and said that in America, no one would dare to speak to him this way. He was like a mafia chief. So please stop saying how beautiful American press freedom is.


Americans are free but not equal — Partisan politics have emasculated the government, after the financial crisis, not one person has been brought to task; Whoever wants to be the President has to curry favour with the Jews because they control both the financial and media worlds; the American people have the right to bear firearms, but the right to be free from the harm of firearms is unequal; America has freedom in immigration but there are several million illegal immigrants, and these illegal immigrants have literally become the new black slaves.


Is there anyone who can convince me that US foreign policies have brought peace, stability and prosperity to the Middle East and Central Asia? Is there anyone who can convince me that US foreign policies are truly benefiting others rather than benefiting themselves? Post 9/11, America has become bloodthirsty and has greatly robbed the world of its peace. But has it reflected on its wrong biased policy of shielding Israel? It is impossible for it to do so because Jews are too powerful in the US domestically, controlling both the media and the finance. You’ll need the support of the Jews before you step into the presidential elections!


Israel has special relations with the US — it’s common knowledge. But if you look into history, you’ll find the Lavon Affair which in 1954 made the Americans suspicious as to whether Israel was truly an ally. Israeli agents attempted to destroy several US government offices in Cairo, so as to sow discord in the US-Egypt relationship. During the Iran-Iraq war, Israel supported Iran with large quantities of military weapons, even though Israel was aware that the US hates Iran because of the hostage incident. Some American scholars think that the Jews are only loyal to each other among themselves.


Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed that that the US Jewish publishing tycoon Andrew Adler suggested that Israel’s Mossad special forces assassinate the indecisive Obama, so that the vice president can become president and support Israel in its attack of Iranian nuclear facilities. This sounds unbelievable but in order to survive, there is nothing Israel won’t do. It’s no secret that Israel has for a long time been sowing discord between the Americans and the Arabs.


Som jag skrev redan för två år sedan, så satsar Kina allt mer på att genom engelska nyhetskanaler nå ut till andra länder och presentera sin egen bild av vad som händer världen över.

Frågan är bara hur pass trovärdig denna nyhetsförmedling blir, om tv-profilerna avslöjas som rasister och judehatare. Och får behålla jobbet.

För statliga tidningen Global Times skrev visserligen i veckan att Yang Rui varit ”okänslig” i sina uttalanden, men att han ändå bör få behålla sitt jobb.

Ett av Global Times argument är att en tv-profil på amerikanska kanalen CNN för fyra år sedan uttalat sig negativt om Kina – som om det skulle göra Yang Ruis kommentarer mer acceptabla.

Som så ofta tidigare så uppstår det något slags dilemma för Kina: Att ha kvar Yang Rui gör att målgruppen (engelsktalande tittare) förlorar respekten för nyhetskanalen. Men att sparka honom vore att visa sig svag för utländsk opinion, och antyda att den för Kina så viktiga nationalismen är fel.

Under tiden får väl Yang Rui och hans likar vatten på kvarn.

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