Kinamedias redaktör Jojje Olsson kontaktas enklast via mail eller Twitter:
Twitter: @jojjeols
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Signal: 00886(0)909010175
Läsare som vill diskutera ämnen relaterade till Kina med andra svenskar online, ta gärna en titt på Kinamedias Facebooksida eller Twitterkonto.
I am trying to find a website where I can publish an article written by one of my clients.I have chosen your webpage. I want a guest post on this website.
Please let me know if you would be interested in having a guest post published.
Moreover, please let me know if it is possible to insert a link.
Waiting for your reply
Hej Jojje. Är du en mellanhand för att komma i kontakt med kinesisk media?
I have a website client who is interested in buying an article/link on your website
1: Casino-article’s permanent publication with a do-follow link, Price?
2: Normal-article’s permanent publication with a do-follow link, Price?
3: The article must not be tagged Sponsored, paid, or any other similar tag.
4: If you tag it, please mention what you write and send a published article example to show the client.
5: What is the HomePage Link price for 12 months?
Please share any other terms & conditions if you have any.
If you have other websites please let us know all of them and prices.
I am looking forward to working with you on a long-term basis.