Kinamedias redaktör Jojje Olsson kontaktas enklast via mail eller Twitter:
Twitter: @jojjeols
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Signal: 00886(0)909010175
Läsare som vill diskutera ämnen relaterade till Kina med andra svenskar online, ta gärna en titt på Kinamedias Facebooksida eller Twitterkonto.
I am trying to find a website where I can publish an article written by one of my clients.I have chosen your webpage. I want a guest post on this website.
Please let me know if you would be interested in having a guest post published.
Moreover, please let me know if it is possible to insert a link.
Waiting for your reply
Hej Jojje. Är du en mellanhand för att komma i kontakt med kinesisk media?
I have a website client who is interested in buying an article/link on your website
1: Casino-article’s permanent publication with a do-follow link, Price?
2: Normal-article’s permanent publication with a do-follow link, Price?
3: The article must not be tagged Sponsored, paid, or any other similar tag.
4: If you tag it, please mention what you write and send a published article example to show the client.
5: What is the HomePage Link price for 12 months?
Please share any other terms & conditions if you have any.
If you have other websites please let us know all of them and prices.
I am looking forward to working with you on a long-term basis.
Hello Dear,
I trust this email finds you in good spirits. As an enthusiast in the blogging sphere, I’ve been exploring potential collaborations that resonate with your audience’s preferences.
I’m interested in your site =
Tell me the price of:
1 Normal Post
2 Casino and Cbd
3 Crypto
Also send me the list of your sites
Warm regards,