Hur mycket jag än skulle vilja så har jag inte tid att här på InBeijing uppmärksamma alla de viktigaste händelserna relaterade till Kina. Samtidigt som jag bara kan välja att skriva om max en handfull ämnen varje vecka, så sker givetvis långt många fler nyhetshändelser relevanta för landets utveckling.
Jag har tänkt att försöka täcka in ett större antal av dessa händelser genom att varje vecka publicera ett tiotal viktiga tweets om Kina.
Twitter är min i särklass viktigaste källa för nyheter. Majoriteten av de personer jag följer på Twitter, postar främst saker relaterade till Kina med omnejd, vilket gör att jag tack vare min feed sällan missar några större eller viktigare händelser relaterade till Kina.
Tack vare Twitter så går jag sällan eller aldrig in på en särskild tidnings hemsida för att leta runt bland rubrikerna. Så gott som alla artiklar jag läser kommer från länkar i min Twitter-feed.
Jag kommer nu spara de enligt mig viktigaste tweetsen om Kina för att publicera här på InBeijing varje helg. Om du inte har Twitter själv, så kan du i alla fall klicka på länkarna nedan eller få en överblick av utvecklingen genom att bara läsa själva tweetsen.
Vänligen se nedanstående länkar, som inte är graderade efter datum eller relevans. Det enda riktmärket är att tweets som handlar om samma ämne ska ligga efter varandra.
At least 50 labor activists are behind bars in China as the country celebrates 五一 International Labor Day
— Dexter Roberts (@dtiffroberts) May 1, 2019
New: groundbreaking research from the incredible @wang_maya of @hrw drawing a direct link between mass surveillance in Xinjiang and internment of ethnic minorities. It lays bare the mechanics and methodology of the surveillance system. via @BuzzFeedNews
— Megha Rajagopalan (@meghara) May 1, 2019
What explains the return of thick smog in China after two years of slowly improving air? A rebound in heavy industry
— Simon Rabinovitch (@S_Rabinovitch) January 5, 2017
Nails the issue perfectly and if you think this is just happening on Xinjiang you are just plain willfully ignorant at this point
— Employee Owned Balding (@BaldingsWorld) May 2, 2019
Hong Kong: business must pay heed to the erosion of freedoms . A wake-up call from @vjmallet via @financialtimes
— Simon Denyer (@simondenyer) May 3, 2019
My latest for Nikkei: With presidential and legislative elections less than 9 months away, the DPP is closer to the US than ever, while KMT-CCP relations increasingly feel like a Third United Front. The election results will have huge geostrategic ramifications.
— Chris Horton 何貴森 (@heguisen) April 30, 2019
Six months ago, Chinese photographer Lu Guang went missing in #Xinjiang, and today, his wife @Xiaoli11032018 and their kids are forced to remain silent under #Beijing’s coercion. On #WorldPressFreedomDay✍️, I hope to redirect some international focus back to this ongoing case.
— William Yang (@WilliamYang120) May 3, 2019
Not quite sure why the Chinese embassy again attacks me on its website due to the rally hold for Gui Minhai in Stockholm today. I’m not even in the country! @KurdoBaksi also gets a beating in the statement. @RSF_AsiaPacific @RSF_RUG
— Jojje Olsson (@jojjeols) May 3, 2019
So, Vodafone found backdoors in Huawei software giving Huawei unauthorised access to a network serving millions of Italian homes and businesses. Despite Huawei’s assurances, testing show the backdoors remained. That’s a problem for governments, telcos and businesses.
— Michael Shoebridge (@michael_ASPI) April 30, 2019
Vodafone: "The 'backdoor'.. is Telnet, which is a protocol that is commonly used by many vendors in the industry for performing diagnostic functions.. Bloomberg is incorrect in saying that this 'could have given Huawei unauthorised access..”
— Hong-Eng Koh (高宏荣) (@he_koh) May 1, 2019
"With #China's surveillance state, everything is connected. The #Xinjiang surveillance state laboratory…and #Huawei is there throughout." h/t @uyghurproject.
— Michael Caster (@michaelcaster) April 26, 2019
A US-China trade deal is 'possible' by next Friday initial planning underway 4 mid- june Xi visit to US…doesnt mean deal done, would need weeks to get logistics set so makes sense to at least be working on it so long as decent chance a deal happens soon
— Bill Bishop (@niubi) May 2, 2019
Students interviewed by the South China Morning Post described delays in US visa approvals as a result of additional reviews, which have put their academic and professional career prospects at risk. #china #tech #visa
— Kong-Ho Chua (@chuakongho) May 3, 2019